With technology usage in schools at an all time high, now is a great time for teachers to formalize their skills and earn EdTech certifications.
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers have been unwavering in their commitment to teaching and learning despite unbelievable changes to their environment and resources. Their courage and rapid development of educational technology skills have allowed teachers to rise up against all odds and reach their students. Being able to seize this moment as an opportunity to find strengths are crucial to the evolution of the teaching profession.
William Shakespeare and John Fletcher wrote the play Henry VIII in the 17th century and described the future Queen Elizabeth I as a phoenix coming from a “cloud of darkness” and “shall star-like rise”.
…Nor shall this peace sleep with her; but as when
The bird of wonder dies, the maiden phoenix,
Her ashes new create another heir
As great in admiration as herself;
So shall she leave her blessedness to one,
When heaven shall call her from this cloud of darkness,
Who from the sacred ashes of her honour
Shall star-like rise as great in fame as she was,
And so stand fix’d…
-Shakespeare, William and Fletcher, John, Henry VIII
What an empowering description of both Queen Elizabeth I and modern day teachers! Both ascended during unbelievable times in world history, showing courage and resilience, and each grew stronger and more skilled as they, like the phoenix, flew upward and onward in the face of adversity.
Why earn EdTech certifications?
- Enhances student learning
- Builds professional community and connections
- Keeps teachers up-to-date on best practices in the learning sciences
- Highlights a commitment to professional growth
- Drives a positive digital culture in a teacher’s classroom and school
- Establishes a teacher as a school leader and resource for others
- Makes official a teacher’s understanding and skills in educational technology mindsets and toolsets
Which EdTech certifications are best for me?
First, consider certifications and badges in the tools your school and students use most often for teaching and learning, fit your role, and align with your professional goals. Next, talk to other teachers and leaders in your school about which certifications they have and how they have made a difference to their practices. Last but not least, consider partnering with a grade level or department peer, or your PLC professional learning community to pursue certifications together.
i-Tech Top #15 EdTech Certifications List
G Suite for Education
- G Suite for Educator Level 1
- G Suite for Educator Level 2
- G Suite for Education Certified Trainer
- G Suite for Education Certified Innovator
- G Suite for Education Certified Coach
Microsoft for Education
- Microsoft Certified Educator
- Microsoft Innovative Educator
- Microsoft Innovative Trainer
- Microsoft Innovative Expert
Apple K-12 for Education
- Apple Teacher
- Swift Playgrounds
- Apple Distinguished Educator
ISTE Certification
Adobe Education Exchange
- Level 1 – Adobe Creative Educator
- Level 2 – Adobe Creative Educator
- Seesaw Pioneer
- Seesaw Ambassador
- Seesaw Certified Educator
- Nearpod Certified Educator
- Nearpod Certified Trainer Level 1
- Nearpod Certified Trainer Level 2
- Flipgrid Certified Level 1: Certified Educator
- Flipgrid Certified Level 2: Certified Expert
- Flipgrid Certified Level 3: #GridGuide
- BrainPOP Educator
- EdPuzzle Level 1
- EdPuzzle Level 2
- EdPuzzle Coach
Book Creator
- Book Creator Ambassador
- Kami Heroes Ambassador Program for Educators
- Inspearational Educator
- Soundtrap Certified Educator Level 1
- Soundtrap Certified Educator Level 2
- Soundtrap Certified Educator Level 3
- Wakelet Community Member
- Wakelet Community Leader
- Wakelet Community Ambassador
How do I prepare to earn an EdTech certification?
Each company offering certification provides requirements, course materials, resources, practice questions, and what to expect information on their website. The certifications for G Suite for Education and Microsoft for Education are more in depth and many teachers elect to attend Certification Bootcamps to sharpen their skills and prepare with a Certified Trainer in a group setting.
Join our Virtual Google for Education Level 1 Bootcamp
i-Tech invites teachers and school technology leaders to join us for a virtual Google for Education Level 1 Bootcamp on Saturday, January 30, 2021. Seats are limited for this interactive and immersive experience. i-Tech takes a high touch and personal approach to professional development. We have successfully trained hundreds of teachers to take the Google for Education Educator Level 1, Level 2, and Trainer exams.
The Bootcamp is designed to be a scenario-based experience to equip teachers to ace the Google for Education Level 1 exam. Attendees work at their own pace through 6 scenarios that contain specific Google tools within each scenario while being coached and empowered in real time by our education team. Teachers can expect to be creating real Slides, sharing Docs with contacts, managing Calendar appointments, curating videos on YouTube, and designing instruction on Classroom.
This is a great opportunity for teachers to level up and make official their understanding and skills in educational technology mindsets and tool sets by becoming certified. Teachers are the phoenixes of the modern world and it’s time to rise!
The Bootcamp will be facilitated by Evelyn McCulloch, long time educator, Google for Education Certified Trainer, and Director of Educational Technology at i-Tech Support and Daniel Stockman, Google Certified Administrator, and President/COO at i-Tech Support.
Sign up for our newsletter to hear about future events.
About Evelyn McCulloch

Evelyn McCulloch is the Director of Educational Technology at i-Tech Support, Inc. in Orlando, FL and has the joy of supporting teachers throughout Florida. She loves collaborating with schools in order to build a positive digital culture, increase efficiency for teaching and learning, and provide responsive professional development. Evelyn is committed to coaching educators toward opportunities for development wherever they are along the growth mindset continuum with implementing digital tools for learning. She is a Google for Education Certified Trainer and an Apple Teacher.
About i-Tech
i-Tech was founded in 1999 as an Information Technology and Managed IT Services company. As we began to provide IT support for schools, we realized we could use our technology acumen to help them do more. We brought in education experts and ramped up our EdTech offerings driven by teaching and learning outcomes. This has empowered us to support 20+ schools through COVID-19 and become a leading provider of Educational Technology in Florida.
Our EdTech offerings include:
- Full Managed Technology Services for PK-12 Schools
- Responsive Professional Development
- Instructional Coaching
- EdTech/IT Assessments
- EdTech/IT Strategic Planning
- Device Deployment and Support
- Technology Documentation
i-Tech is committed to partnering in your mission by equipping schools with technology that simply works. To learn more about how i-Tech can transform learning at your school, talk to an i-Tech expert today.