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Join i-Tech for the 17th Annual Basket Brigade We are helping to organize and support the Central Florida Thanksgiving Basket Brigade for the seventh year in a row to provide Thanksgiving meals to families in need throughout the Central Florida region.

The 17th Annual Thanksgiving Basket Brigade of Central Florida has a goal this year to deliver as many baskets as possible to needy families in the greater Orlando region this year! That’s quite a challenge, but we are ready to take it on – with your help we can make a positive and wonderful difference in many people’s lives.

Ways You Can Help:

  • Donate $50 or as much as you can afford. Fifty dollars feeds a family of six with a basket filled with a certificate for a turkey, gravy, stuffing, vegetables, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, juice, rolls, and a roasting pan.  Donations can be made electronically on the i-Tech Website
    • Click the “Pay i‐Tech” button on the right side of the screen and    write, “i‐Tech Basket Brigade 2015,” in the comments field. All donations are tax‐deductible.
  • Donate your time. Meet at the Home Depot parking lot located at the corner of I-4 and Lee Road in Orlando on November 21st at 9am to help deliver baskets to families.

To learn more about the Central Florida Thanksgiving Basket Brigade, visit

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