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My name is Jason Borders and I’m a Cisco Network Engineer at i-Tech Support.

I’ve been working with Cisco equipment for over seven years now and I’m still excited aboutI'm a Mac. He's a PC. what I do. I really enjoy building solutions for clients and watching that solution grow into part of their business.

Before I was a Cisco Guy, I was a Microsoft Windows/Linux Server Administrator…But, I have a secret. I’m a Mac user! That’s right, I’m THAT guy. You know, the one who shows up to meetings and pulls out his shiny silver computer with the piece of fruit engraved on it. Most people in the tech industry don’t take that silver speed demon seriously, but they should. Macs are showing up in the enterprise more and more.

I’ve heard all the best lines, “You can’t work with a Mac,” “Macs are for artsy people,” “You can’t use that on MY network! We’re all Windows!” To all of them I say, “Watch me!” And, just for fun, watch this video – one of the great, “I’m a Mac. And I’m a PC.” commercials.


These perceptions are changing. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of myths out there about how Macs fit into the enterprise. Most enterprises are just scratching the surface of how powerful a Mac can be. There are, however, signs of the tide turning, Mac’s share of enterprise computer sales grew 43.8 percent during Q3 of 2011 compared to overall enterprise PC growth of 4.8 percent, according to Needham & Co. This has been the case for several quarters now, and I believe you will continue to see those numbers grow.

For all you Mac people stuck in the woeful Windows world, those kindred souls, I will share some of my experiences in this blog. I’ll share the pitfalls and the promise of being the odd one out. I will hopefully help guide you through it all unscathed. I can’t promise there won’t be a Cisco twist occasionally — hey, it’s what I do — but in the end, I’m a Mac user and I’m proud to be one of “those people!”

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