Photo Credit: Cisco Pics via Compfight cc
Collaboration is key, right? So, why aren’t companies moving forward to make business processes more efficient, effective and – most importantly – collaborative?
The typical answers usually come back to budget and man power.
Luckily, more than ever, those excuses can start to go by the way-side and your IT department can start looking at all the great and innovative options that are now available (and quite affordable). One of the greatest solutions (in my humble opinion) to come around most recently is our cloud-based service called Hosted Collaboration Services, Powered by Cisco. You can check it out by clicking here if you want to read more.
But, today I don’t want to go on and on about how great collaboration technology is (you know it’s sweet – right?!); but I do want to share this fun (and quick) video called, “Cisco Jabber Anywhere on Any Device,” I think you’ll enjoy it and may give you something to think about going forward.
When you’re ready to talk, we’re here to help guide and educate you to find the best solution for your company’s unified communications needs.
Email us: sales@i-techsupport.com