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Why hire a Managed IT Services Provider (MSP)?

by Daniel Stockman, Former Founder

For someone who has recently founded a startup company, developing your critical business functions, such as IT, marketing, and finance, will take a considerable amount of time and resources. This is particularly the case with IT, since you will be required to invest a big sum of money in buying new IT server, hiring specialist IT staff, and obtaining other tools.

However, due to the high costs involved, you may gravitate towards managed IT services providers. But, how do you know if your business is ready (or even needs) managed IT services? To determine this, you will need to consider a range of questions, factors, and important points in order to effectively decide whether managed IT support really is worth your time and money.

Let’s look at some of these below.

Are your IT costs going up?

Another significant factor that can influence your decision to seek managed IT support is to consider expenses. Are they going up or down? Perhaps, your operating costs are going up or you are forced to pay too much in terms of maintenance. Additionally, the costs of hiring labor can also be substantial that is draining your profits. If this is the case, you will be much better outsourcing your IT functions.

How dependent is your business on the internet?

This is also an important point to consider. If you are tech-savvy and have organized your files and folders on a cloud network, you will need to make use of an internet server that offers high speed internet access. Without it, you will not be able to perform IT tasks efficiently. This is even more important if your business scales and is burdened with an increase in IT tasks and projects.

Is cybersecurity a concern?

Managed IT services should only be sought when you are experiencing certain issues and problems, one of which is the rise in cyber security attacks. If you have experienced more attacks since last year, you may be in need of a more robust security solutions provider to ensure all your critical data including employee and customer data is kept secure.

While firewall and employee best practices may limit the extent to which you business may come under risk, you should bear in mind that malicious programs are constantly evolving and capable of slipping past most conventional security protocols. A Managed Services Provider (MSP), in this case, can offer you the technologies that can help you reduce your number of cyber attacks.

Do you experience lags in projects?

You need to make sure that your IT tasks are being performed efficiently and effectively. If you are facing too many downtime issues or an overall slow pace of completing projects and missing deadlines, you know your business is in need of investing in managed IT services. MSPs can provide highly robust IT servers that are capable of running several applications and tasks in parallel.

If you have any of these concerns, hiring a managed IT provider like i-Tech Support can help your business get ahead.

i-Tech Support, Inc. – The Technology to Achieve More

Established in 1999, i-Tech Support, Inc. offers world-class technology support to help businesses achieve more. With divisions dedicated to managed IT support, advanced technology, cybersecurity, cloud services, network assessments, software and consulting, our full service capabilities enable us to be a versatile technology partner for IT departments and businesses in Florida. We support you with the technology to achieve more.

Does your business need IT support? Contact i-Tech Support:

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