The i-Tech GeekIt Giveaway is Back!
This year we will give away cool prizes every other month and anyone who participates will win a prize (while supplies last – it’s all about timing)! What other contest provides better odds of winning than that?! We think it’s pretty awesome, but it’s only really awesome if you share your photos with us based on the given GeekIT Giveaway month’s photo challenge.
This month we want you to hit it out of the ballpark with tons of baseball or softball pictures!
Share a pic showing us your team spirit! I don’t want to provide too many examples because I want to see how creative you crazy kids can get, but to get the wheels turning, here are a few suggestions:
- Your dog decked out in your favorite baseball team’s gear
- Your car all tailgate-ready for the upcoming game
- Your co-ed softball team enjoying a post-game win at the local sports bar
In return for your amazing pics, you will be the lucky owner of two tickets to a local spring training game. So, hurry up and get your photos in before the end of the month because the game won’t wait for you to begin! Be sure to include #HomeRunWithiTech when you post your pics to our Twitter and/or Facebook Fan page or feel free to email them directly to me. We will post the photos on our i-Blog as we receive them.
Can’t wait to see what you throw at us!