Cisco recently published their 2013 Cisco Global IT Impact Survey and there are some eye-opening results!
After polling 1300 IT Professionals in 13 countries, a few key areas stood out from the rest:
1) Engagement between business goals and technology transformations is getting better, but there’s still room for improvement – especially with business alignment and IT planning.
2) Business growth is creating greater demand for more application roll-outs at an increasingly rapid rate. 71% say they are deploying more apps than even one year ago!
3) Storage readiness is a major cause for slow application roll-out: 3 out of 10 ITDMs in US, Canada, China and Australia fall into this category.
4) The US, Russia, and India indicated that more than 75% of their employees brought in their personal mobile devices to work last year.
5) France, the US, and the UK cited the top infrastructure challenges to successful implementation of the cloud was security access control for users and devices.
Check out the entire 2013 Cisco IT Impact Survey Results.
What stands out the most to you? Does your company fall in line or are you experiencing something quite different? Tell us about it.
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